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It’s been 7 years already since I have moved to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. By now I cannot imagine at all returning to Berlin or any other place on earth. I have become a proud [21.century] Zionist – in other words, I am more than happy that I have discovered my homeland and eventually settled down on it. Israel – a country, whose water and weather, sand and stones I have learned to love over the time.
Seit über 7 Jahren lebe ich nun in Jerusalem, der Hauptstadt Israels. Mittlerweile kann ich mir nicht vorstellen zurück nach Berlin, noch sonst wohin zu ziehen. Ich bin ein stolzer ]21. Jahrhundert[ Zionist geworden – soll heißen, bin glücklich, dass ich meine Heimat Israel entdeckt und besiedelt habe. Israel - ein Land, dessen Wasser und Wetter, Sand und Steine ich langsam aber sehr sicher zu lieben gelernt habe.

Unfortunately some people see things quite differently and instead of admiring the stones of Jerusalem and the sand of Tel Aviv, they hate it. In many places in the world people are thus at one regarding anything concerning “the Zionist state”. Some proclaim publicly that Israel is a “germ which should be squeezed out”; others claim that Israel is the “last remaining colonial power”; again others hold the opinion that Israel is a country of aggressive soldiers and Holocaust survivors who even succeed to suppress their minorities living in between them.
Jerusalemer Stein und Tel Aviver Sand stoßen jedoch nicht nur auf bewundernde Augen, sondern zunehmend auch auf Hass. In sehr vielen Ecken der Welt ist man sich ziemlich einig, wenn es um den „zionistischen Staat“ geht. Die einen verkünden öffentlich, dass Israel eine „Bakterie ist, die man schnellstmöglich ausdrücken sollte“; andere behaupten, dass Israel die „letzte verbliebene Kolonialmacht“ ist; wiederum andere sind der Auffassung, dass in Israel ausschließlich aggressive Soldaten und Holocaust-Überlebende wohnen, die es auch noch schaffen ihre Minderheiten zu unterdrücken.

Certainly all this is anti-Semitism/anti-Zionism/anti-Israelism, call it what you want, propaganda, which in absolutely no way reflect the reality of this beautiful and very special country. The reality here is much more complicated and probably therefore much more exciting, which is perceivable all over the world, in every language, since this “small spot of land” is been focused on almost all year long.
Das alles ist natürlich anti-semitische/anti-zionistische/anti-israelische, wie auch immer man „es“ gerade nennen möchte, Propaganda, die in keinster Weise die Realität dieses wunderschönen und sehr besonderen Landes widerspiegeln. Die Realität hier ist um einiges komplizierter, deshalb auch spannender, was sich bemerkbar macht, wenn man egal wo, egal auf welcher Sprache Nachrichten hört, denn fast das ganze Jahr über wird aus diesem „Quadratkilometer“ berichtet.

I am neither a journalist nor the chairperson of any academic institute; nevertheless, maybe even therefore, I hope that my opinions will make you think about the issues I will relate to.
I will especially deal with current Jerusalem and Israel relating matters, but among other themes will also refer to the Middle East, Iran and international relations in general.
Ich bin weder Journalist noch Vorsitzender irgendeines akademischen Institutes, jedoch, bzw. gerade deshalb, hoffe ich, dass meine Meinungen für manch einen von euch interessant sind und zum nachdenken verleiten.
Unter anderem werde ich Themen ansprechen, die das heutige Jerusalem und Israel direkt betreffen, werde aber auch über den Mittleren Osten, Iran und Internationale Beziehungen generell schreiben.


Israel & the Muslim world

Israeli President Shimon Peres' visit in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan should make one thing very clear to the world in general and to the Muslim countries in particular: Israel is NOT the enemy of the Muslim people.

Probably it's true that economic calculations may have been the primary reason for Israel and its "old-new Muslim friends" to sit around one table together, after all it is well-known that Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are two major suppliers of oil and natural gas to the entire world and Israel is an exporter of "strategic & military knowledge".

Both Muslim countries are global emerging powers and located in pretty tough regions; Azerbaijan bordering Iran and Russia and its longtime rival Armenia; Kazakhstan being located in between Russia, China and, through the Caspian, Iran.

This is a clear case of one hand washes the other! The relationship between these countries is made possible and volitional since both sides clearly comprehend that the strategic. political and economic ties will play into their hands and the question of religion has become a minor factor, if a factor of all, which does not prevent the sides from "talking business".

The bottom line is that Israel is willing to reach out to other countries, no matter what the state religion of that country may be, in order to strengthen the cooperation in all relevant spheres.

The state visit of Israeli president Shimon Peres is a clear slap in the face of the leaders of hostile Muslim countries to Israel, like Iran and Syria. Ordinary people in these countries shall ask themselves: If Israel is indeed our enemy (the enemy of the Muslim world), as claimed by our leaders, how then does it maintain good relations with other Muslim countries?

Maybe Israel just want to live in peace and harmony, develop and progress? Just as most of the free world wants to.

PS. take into consideration that Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan do not export terrorism which is one of the main objects of the current Iranian and Syrian regimes.

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